Thursday, July 12, 2007

A God of Details

We are amazed at the way God continues to answer prayers!

We had been praying since the beginning that God would bring a Christian family to buy our house--guess what we found out at the inspection yesterday? The buyers are believers from a Free Church in Iowa and have already been checking out EFC churches in our area. We were happy to tell them about First Free, a wonderful church just blocks away from Maplewood Mall!

This is an instance when Lisa's faith was much stronger than mine. We would leave the radio on around the house when we had a showing. I would typically tune it to the public radio classical station but once Lisa said, "Jim, we're praying for Christians to buy our house, why don't we tune the radio to KTIS (the local Christian station)?"

I didn't think this was a good idea--why risk turning off a potential buyer?--so I said, "If they're Christians, they'll probably like the classical station, too." She was right, of course, and my faith was weak. We should have tuned into KTIS all along.

It is especially meaningful for our girls to see God answer prayers in these tangible ways. Our children are learning about God's ways in this world and we are encouraged by signs of His unmistakeable hand.

Now we are beginning to pack in earnest. Lisa's Mom is over today helping clear out the clutter in the basement, start taking down pictures and other decorations, and organize a very inexpensive garage sale. We want this stuff to go!

Anyone know good deals on laptop computers? I'm working on administrative things today and one of my tasks is sorting out gigabytes, megaherz, and screen sizes. Is there a difference between Intel's Dual Core processor and their Core 2 Duo processor? Ah yes, you'll be pleased to know indeed there is--it has something to do with chip architecture, speed, power consumption, and heat, I'm told. Or maybe we should turn away from the dark side and pony up for an Apple.

We are marking family milestones, too. Julia had her 8th birthday party on Monday. Nana & Papa hosted eight of her friends for a horse party over at their house. Needless to say, the girls (& one boy!) had a blast.

We were honored that four families hosted a dessert for us last night so we could update friends here on our transition. The Ministry & Education Foundation also explained how they could link arms with us financially. We could see it was a big group and when we counted everyone up, Lisa and I were touched that forty people came out to be with us.

When you pray,
  • Praise God with us for the sale of our house to a Christian family!

  • Praise for the arrival of all our visas. We finally had to call our congresswoman again to get Andrew's passport expedited, but the British Consulate whipped out the visas double quick.

  • Pray for the packing process. It's overwhelming.

  • Pray for the girls school assignment in Cambridge. That is still not officially finalized.

  • Pray for my parent's transition to Windsor Park, a retirement community in Wheaton. We are so glad they will be living there. And all Jim's brothers and sisters are coming in for a wedding and will be there to help them move.

That's all for now! Blessings on you. Let us know how we can pray for you.


Clarinda and Jeff said...

Hi you all! We think of you continually. The girls cried all the way from the airport to the train tracks. The constant moan from the backseat was, "Why, why ,why did they have to go to England?" or "I miss them so much already." Grace has figured out how to set her watch to show the time in England too:) So now we have an hourly report as to what time it is for you all. Get your computer set up so we can talk on the ichat soon.

much love,


Clarinda and Jeff said...

Dear Claire,

I'm sorry I didn't get to hug you long enough at the airport, but the police was going to ticket our van. Did you read my story and get to illustrate? How did you like your presents on the airplane. Please write me back.
