Friday, July 4, 2008

We're back!

Yesterday morning we drove for the last time down the gravel lane from our flat, and cried. We had a wonderful departure group of friends who came to say good-bye, and after tears all around, we were struck with how MUCH we will miss this place, Tyndale House, England, Cambridge, etc. What a very special year this has been for us~we have been shaped and molded by our time here, and are amazed with how much we have changed. God has been so faithful!

This afternoon we arrived safe and sound back on good ole American soil. A good plane trip. Uneventful. Julia commented as we get off the plane, "People are speaking differently here~" and we smiled. We are home again. As we walked through customs we were thrilled to see Mom and Dad Johnston, the James' family, and the Ahrenholz family too~replete with welcome home sign and many hugs and welcomes. It was very sweet. Again, more tears.

The children stayed awake until 8:00, a minor miracle, but considering that we are staying at our good friend's (James') house~not too impossible. What a blessing to have good friends! We are rich with these friends here, and now, in England too.

I must go now to sleep, I am trying not to compute the time difference right now, but my dry eyes are insisting on sleep.


Teacherperson said...

Welcome back! I'm so glad you had a good, safe flight. Sleep well and enjoy being with all the people who love you and have missed you so much1

James says, "Welcome back," as well.

Teacherperson said...

I hope you are settling in well. We are thinking of you often!

I'll be at camp this week as a counselor (write to me! See my blog for details.), and the next week, we'll be camping as a family. Hence, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just not near a computer for about two weeks.

Chris said...

Welcome home Johnston Family, it hardly seems possible that a year has gone by. Your post is a reminder to me that good friends are truly a precious gift of God. Some here and some across the pond. You are blessed!

Angie Leonard said...

We miss you so much! I am glad you are home safe and sound. Our love to all!!

Teacherperson said...

I am back for one day before I leave again for another trip. Thank you so, so much for your note. It was a blessing to me. And, I'll be thinking of you over these next few days and praying. God be with you and Jim, dear Lisa!