Monday, December 10, 2007

Claire and Julia stayed home today from school because of illness. I need to state 'illness' because if you are 'sick' here in Britain, it means the stomach flu. Since it took me quite a while to figure out there were different ways of saying 'feeling poorly' I simply told everyone we were sick when we had a cold, the sniffles, etc. All our British friends thought we spent much of this fall in the bathroom (no wonder they always seemed so concerned), oh dear, I chalk one more thing up to being a foreigner~

Claire has a bad ear infection and at the local chemist today I was pleasantly surprised that for children under 16 prescriptions are free.

The girls were secretly excited to spend time playing games today on the computer, but to their dismay, Daddy said, "No, I don't want you spending hours on the computer today." then he added, "You can play on the computer after you have read the book of Genesis." So they did!

We had an excellent discussion at dinner about many things they read--and although it didn't happen until about 3:00, they did end up on the computer!

1 comment: said...

I never new you had to read Genesis