Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas Eve

We pray this Christmas eve finds you able to quietly and joyfully celebrate the birth of our Savior. As we read Luke 2 tonight, and as we sang, "Silent Night" I found myself overwhelmed with the grace of God. So beautiful~this precious gift of our Savior. So perfect, His plan of redemption for the world. So awesome, that God would send Jesus in the form of a little baby to save us and make a way for us to know Him.

We spent tonight with the families of Tyndale House, and as we ended our meal we had the chance to each share how God had specifically shown Himself to us this year. What testimonies of God's grace! What miracles were performed and what faith was built this year~it was a special time for all of us to hear (often in some very difficult times) how faithful God has been.

We also happened to have some good food, (as always)

Some fun games were had too~

Here is Jim playing the "snow-flake" game, where three men had to keep a piece of toilet paper up in the air with just their breath. Jim added, "Not a bad game for PhD students with plenty of hot air!" :)

And somehow I was picked to gargle a Christmas carol (I wasn't very gifted in this area)

We then came home to read Luke 2 and open each other's presents. What a sweet time this was. There were lots of special gifts~

Julia's gift to the family was a game called the "Lucky Dip" and whoever chose the correct paper inside her jar won the special prize~(Sarah was thrilled to be that person!)

and here is a special present that Sarah received this year (thank you Johnathon for your help with this!)

Jim and I are now wondering if we will make it upstairs to go to sleep. We are exhausted! We have sit to look at our tree for a little bit~

Merry Christmas everyone! We love and miss you~

1 comment:

Connie said...

Hello and Merry Christmas Johnstons - we thought of you this Christmas. Upon looking at the blog Craig commented - they made Christingles!! Whatta ya know, he knew right away what they were :-).
Just wanted you to know that he will be in your area January 26th.
Tried to find your e-mails on this sight - but alas, did not. Hope to connect.
Connie and Jim Anderson