Sunday, March 30, 2008

O My Soul

For He is your Master and your Friend.
Slow to wrath but rich in tender mercy:
Worship the Saviour, Jesus.

King of grace, His love is overwhelming;
Bread of Life, He's all I'll ever need,
For His blood has purchased me forever:
Bought at the cross of Jesus.

And I will sing for all my days
Of heaven's love come down.
Each breath I take will speak His praise
Until He calls me home.

When I wake, I know that He is with me;
When I'm weak, I know that He is strong.
Though I fall, His arm is there to lean on:
Safe on the Rock of Jesus.

Stir in me the songs that You are singing;
Fill my gaze with things as yet unseen.
Give me faith to move in works of power,
Making me more like Jesus.

Then one day I'll see Him as He sees me,
Face to face, the Lover and the loved;
No more words, the longing will be over:
There with my precious Jesus.

Stuart Townend
Copyright © 1999 Thankyou Music

1 comment:

Teacherperson said...

After you beat me at cards, I decided to go for a walk. I headed toward the American Cemetery which is about a mile from my house. But, that tantalizing "public footpath to Girton" sign got to me, and I tried that. "It's only 2.75 miles," said I, "and I can catch a bus back."

When I got to Girton after a muddy and gorgeous walk through fields, I found the last bus went a half an hour earlier. I ducked into a Co-op and bought a Diet Coke and asked for the quickest way back to Cambridge. Thankfully, it was just a straight shot down Huntington and then on to Madingley. And, I got home just before dark!

I didn't know I'd get a three hour walk in today, but I did!

Thanks again for picking us up and for bringing R. home.