Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday afternoon with friends

As you may quickly have discovered in reading our blog, we have spent many happy Sunday afternoons exploring Cambridge. We often return to Anglesey Abbey, a favorite spot, with friends.

There is something about the rolling lawns of the place (it used to be a medieval fish farm!) that draws all children to run~




While my friends Kathryn and Laura and I snuck away to smell the hyacinth garden~

Our children found much more pleasure in playing "King of the Hill" on the vast heaps of last fall's foliage~

Always muddy and tired after an afternoon like this;

but always smiling.


Teacherperson said...

And may you, like the monks in an abbey, find rest for your soul, mind, and schedule!

That looks like a truly lovely day. We did the Christian Heritage Tour and found it wonderful. said...

oh how amazing I wish i was there