For instance, here's the vehicle of choice for our mailman~
The "Smart Car" on the other hand seems to be the perfect British car. Awfully smart for small English streets, small English families, and a small number of small parking spots! But with four kids and their friends, not so smart for us.
And here's one of my favorite new finds. This German bike has no peddles. It teaches very small children balance, thus negating the need for training wheels. I see young children pushing themselves all through Cambridge (the market, parks, paths, etc.) when typically they might be in a stroller. I have also seen 3-year olds riding two-wheel bikes because of this! Amazing.
Here is Andrew modeling a friend's bike~
I saw a "Minivan Bike" the other day. A mom had an attachment on the front of her bike--wooden, I think--which seated four children. She had three in it, all aged 2 to 5 or so. It was like a very small Conestoga Wagon. It had the top off, but it had the pieces going across to sling a cover over it.
Wonderful chat this PM!
Wow! We sure take our transportation for granted, don't we?! "Sure, I can fit 2 more kids in!" happens at least twice a week in our world. :) If I had to bike it? Not so likely....
Hey, maybe they'll invent a double decker minivan! Now that would be useful.
Love, Nancy
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