Friday, October 10, 2008

Look where we get to live~what a blessing. We took a drive today and enjoyed the magnificent fall that the Lord has given us.

These pictures I snapped on my walk around our neighborhood.


Teacherperson said...

Gorgeous shots! It's beautiful here, too. We had another perfect fall weather day.

Teacherperson said...

Weary, weary. David's 16th birthday, and I'll see him for all of 25 mins. Have a late, late cheer practice and won't be home until 10 at the earliest. James is broken down somewhere in the middle of Virginia. If you think of me, pray for joy, please? And contentment? And all those good things that only come through the grace of God? And safety for my poor husband, too. He's already spent one night away from home, and I know he doesn't want to do another one!

Teacherperson said...

It's been a week. I'm now whining for another entry.

I had a wonderful day staying home, doing laundry, and ironing. It's such a blessing to stay home and get caught up on things!

Teacherperson said...

How ARE you? I hope that your life is so full of busy joy that you don't have time to post.

We are excited for the cheerleading competition on Saturday and for the final football games of the season on Sunday. I'll get my life back!

Teacherperson said...

Hey, let's make five of my pictures in a row. Won't that be fun?

Nancy said...

Dear Claire,
Happy Birthday Claire!
I love you!
Love, Amy