Thursday, April 9, 2009


One of my favorite pastimes is reading to my children. Yesterday I started reading a beautiful book on the history of Oklahoma to them, which they are enjoying. Did you know that Oklahoma has 67 Indian tribes represented in their state?

The other book I started is my all-time favorite childrens' book. I heard it first read out loud to me in fifth grade, and from then on have re-read it many, many times. The book is titled, "Where the Red Fern Grows" and is written by Wilson Rawls. Also set in Oklahoma, this poignant story shows a beautiful and sacrificial relationship between a boy "Billy" and his Redbone Coonhound hunting dogs "Old Dan and Little Ann."

The only problem reading this book is that I am choked up with almost every paragraph! It's hard to read when I am having to clear my throat at regular intervals.

What are your favorite childrens' books?


Teacherperson said...

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Thursday's Child

The Nickel Plated Beauty

The Magic Summer

And so, so, so many more!
Ones I read as an adult that I like include Ella Enchanted, things by Shannon Hale, and Saavy.

Mike and Amanda said...

Just a quick note of "YES" to let you know you're certainly not alone. Where the Red Fern Grows is one of the first books I remember crying over. I remember having to set it aside for a few minutes to choke down the huge lump in my throat, only to pick up the book again too early because I just HAD to keep reading :) Ah, the power of the word. Read "Marley and Me" for another cry-about-dear-pets book!
We miss you guys and hope your family might have some time to see the Kellers this summer. Not sure whether to hope you are in MN or no: Just know we think on our knees about your family often!

Kelly said...

One children's book that makes me cry every time is Sydney and Norman: a Tale of Two Pigs. Powerful. Not in the same category as the Red Fern, but definitely a tear jerker.

Narnia books are naturally some of our favorites.

My husband and I just started reading The Trophy Chase Trilogy because we heard such good things about it.

I'm Kelly, by the way. There was a link to your blog on one of the emails we got from the church. Hope that is okay. I have enjoyed browsing your blog and getting to know your family better. Looking forward to meeting you May 3rd.