Dad and I had a fight today, however. I noticed that he was reading a Max Brand (one of my favorite western writers, and as I am sure you'll agree, even the best Brit's can't write a decent western) and I stole his book from him~
My sister then walked into her room and brought out a suitcase of books for me, see below. We all just laughed and laughed~
It is so great to have them all here!
Huzzah! I was feeling bad that I didn't have a single western to loan you.
Great pictures. Your face must hurt from all the laughing and smiling.
Hey, good use for that 2 bedroom flat you rented for them! (your sister)
May your day be blessed, you wonderful birthday girl!
I came back to see if you had posted any virtual cake. Since there is none to be had, I'll go and fold laundry.
I now am quite aware of why you left the country for the year of your 40th. No one can come and get you out of your bed in your robe for breakfast. I hope you had a blessed day. What a wonderful group of friends you have. You deserve the very best and it looks like it is a perfect 40th for a very dear person. I pray your time together with your family is sweet and will not go too quickly. Heidi
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