I smile to myself with the many changes that have come over our children. One daughter told me the other day, "This girl at school fancies this boy" or "Mom, can you throw this in the rubbish bin for me?" (instead of trash can)~or "Mom, my trousers are dirty!"
Other new words in their vocabulary:
Brollie (umbrella)
Jumper (sweatshirt, sweater)
Cutlery (silverware, because, well, we don't have silver!)
Trainers (tennis shoes)
Biscuits (cookies)
Scatty (scattered)
I am so chuffed (pleased to bits)
Sarah asked for 'Plaits' today.
I smiled again and braided her hair.
I don't catch any English words here except for James asking for the Lurpack (our brand of butter spread). Hee hee. It's fun, isn't it?
I wanted to comment again because it was such cheerful fun chatting with you this afternoon. What'cha doing Friday afternoon? Let's write a date in PEN on the calendar for some afternoon Boggle fun.
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