Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas lights at Market Square

Jim took Claire, Julia and Andrew to Market Square last night for a special event~the lighting of the Christmas lights! Market square is in the heart of downtown Cambridge, and the city decorates the square and some of the downtown sreets for the Christmas season.

In this next picture you will see the square clock, as soon as 5:00 came, all the lights came on! (It is much darker here earlier, so at 4:30 it is already dark now~)

As you can see, the square is packed with people, it was difficult to move!

Although Andrew scootered most of the way there, he did get tired. So he convinced good big sister Claire to give him a piggy-back ride!

They went down with a number of people from Tyndale House--about fifteen altogether. And our friends Hunter and Laura came, too, with their boys~

It started raining~of course~right as they started to walk home. We are thankful we have weather-proof coats for our children! This is especially important when you walk almost everywhere here~

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