Friday, December 14, 2007

Super-Nanna takes over!

She crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a single bound. She trekked through the airport with great aplomb. She carried heavy burdens to her needy homeless children. She brought joy and cheer (and lots of chocolate and marshmellows) to desperate grandchildren. She is SUPER-NANNA!

Today, she finished Jim's dissertation in a single flourish!

"Okay, I want my grandchildren home, I AM FINISHING THIS PAPER FOR HIM!"

Here is Jim relaxing after a hard day of watching Nanna speedwrite his dissertation. The relief is wonderful!

1 comment:

Charissa said...

Hey Mrs. Johnston!
I just found your blog, I have been thinking about you guys and wondering how you are all doing.
I was reading the comments on Uncle Tim's blog and found yours :)
I hope that you are doing well, Thank you for your prayers for Uncle Tim. They are much needed, it seems like he's getting nothing but worse. The Lord is in control and I know that he will triumph over all.

Blessings on your Christmas season,
~Charissa Joy Pedro