Friday, January 11, 2008

Rain and Bikes

The rain began today in torrents. My high hopes of walking into town to return something were squelched as I drove home from school and realized, "this rain is not stopping!" Cambridgeshire actually has less rain (for some reason) than much of England. But not today.

Andrew and I set to work and began to clean~here is my favorite three year old helper hard at work~

He is awfully cute, isn't he?

After school the rain had virtually stopped and several of us Tyndale House moms went outside to admire our friend Kathryn's new purchase. I have never seen anything like this bike. It isn't like a Burley (obviously the children are in front) and it isn't a separate attachment. It is actually PART of the bike. It holds 100 kilos (220 lbs.) which means this contraption can be fitted out for four children.

We decided to test it out with a full load, but Kathryn only was able to move it about an inch. So we unloaded a few pieces of cargo, and the bike worked great!

Claire and I also took a turn up and down the alley way riding this fun new bike.

Although it looks like evening it is only 4:45~but we are thankful for every extra minute of sunlight we are getting now that the days are growing longer

1 comment:

Nancy said...

...and Lisa's still wearing her apron!! :) Ha! It looks like you just stepped out of your kitchen to try the cool bike. Wow, could I use one of those! I think I'll take snow over rain, though.
