Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh my~

You have heard of the thorn in the flesh?

I discovered today the thorn in the forehead.

My friend Dorinda and I were doing our usual walk to the orchard when a wayward rose vine/blackberry vine leapt out and struck me.

Well, if the truth be known, I was so focused on what I was saying I walked right into it as it hung across the path.

I now have half a thorn stuck in my forehead, and we can't get it out! I tried, Jim tried, even Dorinda came over with her tapestry needles and rubbing alcohol and tried.

This is a dangerous country.


Teacherperson said...

OUCH! Is it still there? I'll come over with my tweezers tomorrow to do surgery.

If all else fails, tape some pork fat to your head. That's supposed to draw things out like splinters and such.

Thanks for the offer of a ride today, Curry Queen.

Nancy said...

Well, the thorn doesn't seem to have diminished your sense of humor, Lisa! "This is a dangerous country." HA! I can just see you, intensely in conversation, walking straight into that thing. Just like the night Jim hid in the garage and jumped out at us just when we were deeply absorbed in our conversation! I've never screamed so loud in my life.
Seriously, though, I'm so sorry! Maybe you can drape your new hairstyle just right to cover it?
I hope you find a remedy soon.

Love, nanc