Monday, May 12, 2008

The literary tour~

I don't want to overwhelm you, dear friends, with our trip to the Lake District, (because if the truth be known we took over 600 pictures!) so I thought it would be helpful to divide our trip into literary sections. To begin:

Sisters Anne, Emily and Charlotte Bronte (there still remains a shadow of their brother Branwell, which appeared after he painted himself out. He didn't know that this picture would hang in the National Gallery, or else he might of worked a bit harder on cleaning this up!).

the parsonage, home to the Bronte family

Charlotte's Jane Eyre, Emily's Wuthering Heights and Anne's Agnes Grey are of course classic novels that have stood the test of time. We wanted to see where this famous family lived, and so headed to the moors of Haworth to see their family home (and museum). See above~

We happened upon a wedding at the Bronte church~

Mary was especially eager to walk in the moors and see the home that inspired "Wuthering Heights."

The trail up into the moors took us through some picturesque places~

Green and beautiful on one side, and dry and rough on the other~

We hiked up in the moors for a bit, and we discovered why there are an abundance of stone fences, because that is what is predominantly underfoot! I was amazed at the people who ran and mountain biked across this terrain, I must say, they were in great shape. You would have to be, because this is hard going.

Down near the Bronte bridge and waterfall~notice the rocks everywhere!

After Shepherds Pie and a lamb and mint burger, we headed off to Windemere in the Lake District~

2 comments: said...

How big were the rocks you started to see and nice hat Lisa.

Nancy said...

This is so beautiful, Lisa! Thanks for sharing it. You have walked in some amazing places this year!
Love, Nancy