Thursday, May 22, 2008

Six more weeks~

I woke up this morning with the realization that six weeks from tomorrow we fly back to America.

How fast the time has gone!

Yesterday I packed a large duffel bag with the warm clothes we aren't wearing now. I informed the children's school today of when their last day would be. I began an inventory on food stuff we need to 'eat up' before we go. And Jim is packing to fly for another interview in the States this weekend. We are leaving!

My friends are asking how I am doing with it all, and I would have to say, "well." When I think back to all the ways we miraculously saw God bring us here, provide for our needs and grow us richly, I can't help but be thankful we stepped out in faith and came. What a blessing it has been to be here for this time~we are all so much richer for this experience~

And the latest good news? Jim just finished his last research chapter! He just has one more chapter to condense (he wrote a bit too much for his liking) and should be hopefully done with that this week. Then, he just needs to write the intro, conclusion, and finish his bibliography. He is on track to finish by the time we leave.

He told me how fun it is to begin to return all his books back to their shelves! I am so proud of how steadfastly he has persevered with this immense project. Even I am still trying to get my mind around how challenging it is to write a dissertation, and how much work it is to finish well.

Please continue to pray for us as we end here; for the dissertation, for our good-byes to dear friends, and for our next transition.

We couldn't have done this without the encouragement, support and prayers of our friends and family. So often, we sit and marvel at the support we have received from so many to come and do this. Thank you dear ones. We are eager to see many of you again soon.


Nancy said...

HOORAY!!!! Can't wait to see you again! We are so proud of ALL of you, since no Dad writes a dissertation without a lot of family encouragement and accommodation. :) I'm sure you've given him both with joy. Enjoy the 6 weeks to the full.

Teacherperson said...

The last chapter?? Huzzah!

And, we are home, if you hadn't guessed by my comment. But, you shouldn't be reading this until after church, so I suppose you'll already know that.

Six weeks? We are now counting hours--almost. Or at least loads of laundry. (hee hee)

The LaBorde Family said...

Woo-hoo! We can't wait to see you all. By the way, Happy Anniversary you two. Can't believe it's been 12 years. A lot has changed hasn't it??

We missed seeing you this weekend with the brothers. We so would have loved to have had you here for a few days too...

Teacherperson said...

Thank you for such a wonderful, fun evening. You are such a blessing to me!

And, fear not. Just because I'm leaving England, I'll still read your blog. But, give me a day or two to sleep...zzzzz

Teacherperson said...

The American Again Sellers desire a new post so they can be England-sick. (But, it's SOOOOOooooOOOO good to be home!)

Teacherperson said...

Happy Sunday! I hope that church at Eden went well. We're off in 10 minutes or so to our first time back to our church.

I'm keen to pass on Jungle Jim's greetings.