Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hello again!

We are sorry for the delay in posting any blogs! My computer has been down now for over a week, and I am hopeful that tomorrow our internet connection will be up and running again (I am borrowing another computer to quickly type this.)

Stay tuned, because there are a number of things I want to post when I have the opportunity. Until tomorrow (hopefully)~


Teacherperson said...

Goodie! I'll be back! (Lord willing, of course.)

Teacherperson said...

How are you today, sweet lady? I razor-burned my legs last night, went to watch church softball, had fries and a Blizzard at Dairy Queen, and am going bowling with my mom and kids today. Later, David has an eye appt. and I'm going to the mall to return some things and to look for a Prom dress for ME as all the other chaperone mothers at the spring ball this Friday will be wearing floor-length, and I only have a knee-length. If I can find one for $25 or less (sale season), I'll buy. Of course, I have to look totally amazing in it. It's my chance to dance with my husband, and that doesn't happen all that often.