Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Three weeks from Friday we leave to return to America. Ironically we are returning to the States on July 4th; which is simply a coincidence! Our British friends, however, find this amusing and have given us a hard time about "fleeing back to the Colonies" or some such rot. In actuality, we will really miss England~

We will fly into Chicago and stay with friends for a few days, and our girls are thrilled that they will be back in time for a night of fireworks~I will give you an update on how long they will be able to stay awake for them~*smile*

Jim is back at the library for another late night of writing. He is now done with editing all his chapters, has finished his introduction, and is working hard to finish his conclusion by this evening. Once this is done he will send the whole kit and kaboodle into his advisor, and while waiting for his final response, will finish the bibliography.

Can it be? Could we really almost be done? After 9+ years of working on a doctorate, we see the end in sight, and both Jim and I feel like we are finishing a marathon. It isn't quite the euphoric high that I expected, instead, we feel like with the Lord's help we will just make it.

I can tell that God has carried us securely through this process. The unique stresses and challenges of this year have stretched us often to the limits of what we thought we could do, and then He has shown us more of Himself, and we have been sustained. We praise Him~He is GOOD.

And now, I look at our calendar where events are written in this month for England and next month for America, and I chuckle to myself to see one leg planted here, and one leg running across the Atlantic. The inevitable merging of two lives again~

The girls and I packed away most of their clothes today, much to their delight. Comments like: "Just lay out two different dresses for Sundays" "Remember it will be warmer in America" "Don't forget a sweater for the plane~" and "Who can we give this too?" resounded through their little room today, and made the reality of leaving just a little stronger for all of us.

When you think of us, please pray for this transition for all of us. We covet your prayers~


Teacherperson said...

I prayed for you last night at prayer meeting and asked some friends to pray, too. HUZZAH! Home again. Let me know if you cry at the America video in the line at immigration.

James is ripping off the rotting porch steps. It's quite a project.

Can you pray for a serious (an unspoken here) request for me? Just know that it's a biggie close to my heart. Just say, "God, you know Mary is really upset about this situation. Please work a miracle which you are certainly able to do." That ought to do it.

You are a dear.

Blosh said...

We have been praying for you and will continue to do so! We have really enjoyed reading your blog throughout the year. You have such a lovely family.

I made your chocolate chip cookie recipe the other night and prayed for you as I was mixing them up. Josh and I decided that your recipe was our favorite of all our chocolate chip cookie recipes! You all bring a smile to our faces and we can't wait to hear about what God has in store for you next!
