Tuesday, June 17, 2008

London, as a family~

After discovering that Sarah had found the largest honey-nut cornflake EVER made, we proceeded to surprise our children at breakfast yesterday morning.

Jim to Lisa, "Have you called the school?"

Lisa to Jim, "No, I wrote a letter, and talked with their teachers~"

Lisa, "And so, children, change your clothes, because you are not going to school today."

Children, "Where are we going?"

Lisa, "We are going to London!"

Children, "Are you kidding?" "No?" screams all around, a hurriedly finished breakfast and rapidly changed clothes, and we were off!

We drove down to the first tube stop, Epping and took the tube into London~

Got off at the Tower of London~

and then took a short cruise down to Westminster Abbey~

Tower Bridge

the London Eye~

Big Ben and Parliament~

In front of Westminster Abbey

On to Kensingston Garden, for a picnic lunch at the Princess Diana Memorial Children's playground.

The whole playground theme is Peter Pan and Neverland~

Next was the Science Museum~

A family portrait, aren't we lovely?

Then, off to the Natural History Museum,

You may wonder why we took this picture, but this is my Dad, "King Vulture" or better known as the stealer of all his children's and grandchildren's toast.

Giant Sloth~

Victoria and Albert Museum, where the only thing we did was run into to look at their beautiful chandelier, and the children played outside on the railing. Playing on the railing was Sarah's highlight of the whole trip.

Piccadilly Circus~

Then, off to Pizza Hut, in honor of our friends, the Sellers.

A tube ride home, a car ride home, and we all fell into bed happy. A great day!


Teacherperson said...

That IS a great day, and you got some brilliant pictures. Just wonderful! The crocodile wasn't there when we were. Weird. Was it just buried in the sand? Is it new?

Did you go to the Bayswater Pizza Hut? That's "our" Pizza Hut! Hee hee.

Not too many days left now. I'm glad you are taking advantage of these wonderful things. London--coo!

I am reorganizing bookshelves this afternoon and purging books as needed. Oh, such joy. Sigh.

Chris said...

Lisa and Jim,
I just love the way you and the Ahrenholz "surprise" your children with these special outings. What a thrill to see the excitement on their faces.