Sunday, May 18, 2008

Oreos in England!

'Color of Wet Mud!' Oreos Invade England

Dipping Biscuits in Tea is Fine -- but Oreos in Milk? Some Brits Bristle

LONDON -- "It's very dark. It's almost black." May Woodward, an office worker in central London, is holding an Oreo cookie in her hands. It's the first time she has ever seen one "in the flesh as opposed to on an American TV show," and she's not sure she likes what she sees. "It's the color of wet mud!" she complains. "And the bit ... looks like toothpaste rather than cream."

oreos britain
(Landov/AP Photo)

She twists and turns the cookie in her fingers, staring at it from every angle with a screwed-up look on her face that seems to say, "Gross!" not "Mmm, cookie time." You could be forgiven for thinking she's handling some dangerous alien element, Cookie Kryptonite, say, rather than one of the best-known biscuits in the Western hemisphere.

She bites, chews, raises an eyebrow, chews some more.

"OK, I get it," she says, finally. "I can see the attraction. It's very sweet." Suddenly she seems to change her mind. "Actually it's too sweet ... it's becoming mushy," she says, alarmed as tentative chewing becomes frantic munching to wolf the cookie down.

I couldn't resist sharing this article with my U.S. friends. Although we were thrilled to see Oreos come into our local grocery store, it seems that not everyone here shares our enthusiasm!

1 comment:

Teacherperson said...

We fed them to the Hardyman kids. I don't think they were much impressed either.