Monday, November 12, 2007

a normal day

Lest you think every day here in England is full of fun and adventure, let me give you a picture of today. Not real exciting, but typical. I did laundry, washed dishes, mopped the kitchen floor, vacuumed and did my typical drive three times back and forth to school. I did manage to get a walk in with my friend Dorinda, where we ended up at the Co-op (a small local grocery store) for milk and bread. I crammed a little turkey in our small oven, and peeled a zillion carrots for dinner. (We like carrots.) After dinner I was so tired I went upstairs to our bedroom and called my friend Clarinda, which gave me the extra energy I needed to finish the dinner dishes and put the children to bed. Now everyone is in bed, Jim is back at the library, and it is now 8:33 in the evening. I think I will take a bath and go to bed!

1 comment:

Clarinda and Jeff said...

Dear Lisa,
My day certainly wasn't normal, because YOU called!! Our family did their highs and lows and of course mine was that you had called. Missing you something terribly, but glad to hear your voice.
Let us know when you get your card from us with not just one picture, but yes, two pictures of the James brood. You'll get your wish and be able to check on our website for our latest news.

